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Vital Records in Washington State

Where to Look for Marriage Records

Washington marriage records before 1968 are held by the County Auditor. After 1968 marriage records are held by the Health Department. For recent marriage certificates (the last two months), contact the county auditor where the marriage license was filed.

Washington State Digital Archives

Department of Health, Marriage Certificates

This collection covers the years 1968-1999.


Department of Health, Marriage Index

This collection covers the years 1969-2022.

Resources Available in the Library

Clark County, Washington Marriages

GEN 979.786 CLARK C v.1-13

Volume 1: 1852-1896; volume 2: 1897-1904; volume 3: 1905-1909; volume 4: 1910-1913; volume 5: 1914-1915; volume 6: 1916; volume 7: 1917; volume 8: 1918; volume 9: 1919; volume 10: 1920; volume 11: 1912; volume 12: 1922; volume 13: 1923. Includes indexes.


Columbia County, WA, Early Misc. Newspaper Genealogical Abstracts

GEN 979.746 MCNEILL 1877-1893


Cowlitz County, Washington, Marriage Records, 1854-1900

GEN 979.788 BACON 1854-1900

Arranged alphabetically by groom's name with index to bride's name.


Cumulative Marriage Index to the Catholic Church Records of the Pacific Northwest

GEN 979.5 OSBORN 1998

Includes index.


Early Marriages of Clallam County Washington

GEN 979.799 EDMONSO v.1

Volume 1: 1865-1890. Includes index.


Early Marriages of Spokane County, Washington Territory, Book "A," 1880-1890

GEN 979.737 WILDMAN 1880-1890


Early Marriage Records, Kittitas County, Washington, 1883-1910

GEN 979.757 EARLY M 1883-1910


Ferry County, Washington Index to Marriage Returns: November 1900-July 1932

GEN 797.725 FERRY C 1900-1932


First Marriages of the 39 Counties of Washington

GEN 979.7 FIRST M 1986

Includes index.


Grays Harbor Co. Marriages-Deaths Records, 1855-1892

GEN OVERSIZ 979.795 GRAYS H 1855-1892

This is a compilation of abstracts for marriages, marriage affidavits, marriage returns, and death records for Grays Harbor County (formerly named Chehalis County), Washington. The records were abstracted from handwritten papers and books held at the court house in Montesano, Washington. 


Grays Harbor Co. Washington Marriage Records: 1855-1903 Affidavits

GEN OVERSIZ 979.795 GRAYS H 1855-1903

This is a compiled register of marriage affidavits from 1855-1903. The register is alphabetical by groom surname. It does have an alphabetical register by bride surname.


Index of Walla Walla County, Washington Marriage Returns, 1891-1912

GEN 979.748 INDEX 1891-1912

Missing June-December 1900, and the entire years of 1901 and 1902.


Index to Jefferson County Marriages, 1901-1910

GEN 979.798 INDEX T 1901-1910


Index to Marriage Records of Pierce County, Washington: Territorial Marriages 1853-1889

GEN 979.778 INDEX T 1853-1889


Index to Marriage Records of Pierce County, Washington: Volume II, 1890-1903

GEN 979.778 INDEX T 1890-1903


Index to Skamania County Marriages, 1854 to January 1, 1931, Including an Abstract of Marriage Register from January 1, 1893 to May 10, 1917

GEN OVERSIZ 979.784 RAMSAY 1854-1917


Kent Area Marriages Extracted from Early Kent, Washington Newspapers

GEN 979.777 KENT AR

Covers 1893-1917. The White River Journal, 1893-1912; The Kent Journal, 1915-1916; Kent Advertiser-Journal, 1917.


King County, WA Marriage License Registers, Volumes 5-10

GEN 979.777 LEWIS 1889-1895

Covers 1889-1895.


King County, WA Marriage License Registers Vol. 38 and 39

GEN 979.777 LEWIS 1916-1917

Covers December 1916-September 1917.


Lewis County, Washington, Territorial Marriages, 1847-1889

GEN 979.782 GAGE 1847-1889


Marriage Applications, 1890-1939, Pacific County, Washington

GEN 979.792 MARRIAG 1890-1939

Includes index.


Marriage Records B, Spokane County, Washington Territory, May 23, 1888 to Nov. 9, 1891

GEN 979.737 MARRIAG 1888-1891


Marriage Records, Klickitat County, Washington, 1867-1917

GEN 979.753 TOWNSEN 1867-1917


Marriage Records of King County, Washington, 1853-1884

GEN 979.777 MARRIAG 1853-1884


Marriage Records of Whatcom County, Washington

GEN 979.773 MARRIAG v. 1-5

Volume 1: 1890-1893; volume 2: 1893-1898; volume 3: 1898-1902; volume 4: 1902-1904; volume 5: 1905-1909.


Marriages in Jefferson County, Territory of Washington, 1866-1889

GEN 979.798 BEVERID 1866-1889


Records of Yakima County, Washington, 1869-1907, and Benton County, Washington, 1905-1907

GEN 979.755 RECORDS 1975 v.3 pt.A-C

The collection has five volumes, volume 3, parts A-C are marriage records. Part A: 1908-1913; part B: 1914-1917; part C: 1918-1920. 


Skamania County, Washington Marriage Records

GEN 979.784 RAMSAY 1987


Whitman County, Washington Marriage Records

GEN 979.739 WHITMAN v.1;v.3

Volume 1: 1872-1892; volume 3: 1888-1929.

Benton County Oregon, Marriage Records

GEN 979.534 BENTON v.1
GEN 929.3795 BENTON 2000 v.2

Volume 1 covers 1850-1924. Volume 2 covers 1925-1945.


Births, Deaths, and Marriages from the Platte City Missouri Landmark: August 18, 1875-December 31, 1877

GEN 977.8135 MONTAGR 1875-1877


Bishops' Transcripts and Marriage Licenses, Bonds and Allegations: A Guide to Their Location and Indexes

GEN 942 GIBSON 1998


Clackamas County, Oregon Marriage Records

GEN 979.541 ERICKSO v.1-4

Volume 1: 28 July 1840-22 August 1900; volume 2: 1900-1912; volume 3: 13 August 1912-6 July 1915; v.4: 8 July 1915-7 November 1918.


Clatsop County, Oregon Marriage Records Index

GEN 979.546 HUNSING v.1-3

Volume 1: 1851-1915; volume 2: 1916-1930; volume 3: 1931-1945.


Columbia County, Oregon Marriage Records, 1855-1900

GEN 979.549 COLUMBIA 1855-1900


Guide to Quebec Catholic Parishes and Published Parish Marriage Records

GEN 971.4 WHITE 1993


Index for Lake County, California Marriage Books 1-6

GEN 979.417 LEWIS 1999

This index is a registry of married names listed alphabetically by surname. The registry includes the name of person, age, name of spouse, and marriage date.


Index to Marriage Returns...For Clackamas County, Oregon

GEN 979.541 INDEX T 1917-1929
GEN 979.541 INDEX T 1929-1941
GEN 979.541 INDEX T 1941-1948
GEN 979.541 INDEX T 1948-1953


Kootenai County, Idaho Early Newspapers: Births, Deaths, Others, 1881-1912


Arranged alphabetically by surname. This index includes name, topic (death, birth, marriage, etc.), date of publication, and publication name.


Kootenai County, Idaho Marriage Records

GEN OVERSIZ 979.694 KOOTENA 1984-2012 v.6-11

Contents: v. 1 (1881-1900); v.  2 (1901-1908); v. 3 (19009-1915); v. 4 (1916-1922); v. 5 (1923-1928); v. 6 (1928-1938); v. 7 (1939-1941); v. 8 (1942-1945); v. 9 (1946-1948); v. 10 (1949-1951); v. 11 (1952-1954).


Life and Death at St. Mary's Mission, Montana: Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Survival Among the Bitterroot Salish Indians, 1866-1891

GEN 978.689 LIFE AN 1866-1891


Marriage Records of Multnomah County, Oregon

GEN 979.549 PARK v.1-8

Volume 1: May 1873-Jun 1883; volume 2: Jun 1883-Dec 1885; volume 3: Dec 1885-Sep 1888; volume 4: Sep 1888-Jul 1890; volume 5: Jul 1890-Jul 1895; volume: 6: Jul 1895-May 1901; volume 7: Apr 1901-Oct 1904; volume 8: 1903-1906.


Marriage Records Yamhill County, Oregon

GEN 979.539 MARRIAG 1844-1862
GEN 979.539 MARRIAG 1862-1876
GEN 979.539 MARRIAG 1876-1890
GEN 979.539 MARRIAG 1891-1895
GEN 979.539 MARRIAG 1896-1900
GEN 979.539 MARRIAG 1901-1906
GEN 979.539 MARRIAG 1907-1912


Marriages, Morrow County, Oregon, 1885-1917

GEN 979.567 HARNETT 1885-1917


Missouri Marriages Before 1840

GEN 977.803 ORMESHE 1982


Pennsylvania German Marriages: Marriages and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churches

GEN 974.8004 IRISH 1710-1895


Some Early Nebraska Records: Marriage Records and Cemetery Inscriptions

GEN 978.2 COX 1978?


Wasco County, Oregon Marriage Records

GEN 979.562 WASCO 1900-1914
GEN 979.562 WASCO 1854-1900

The volume that covers 1854-1900 is from Wasco County Clerk's records and other early sources. The volume that covers 1900-1914 is from Wasco County Clerk's records, also includes Wasco County residents married in Skamania County, Washington.


Washington County, Oregon Records. Volumes One & Two, 1842-80; 1881-96 Marriage Records

GEN 979.543 WASHING 1983

Volume 1: Marriage Records, 1842-1880; Volume 2: Marriage Records, 1881-1896. 

Index to Marriage Records by Name of Bride [1968-2000] [microfiche]

NW MICRO 929.3797 INDEX T MB 2004

Soundex name index to marriages occurring in Washington State from 1968-2000, arranged by name of bride. Shows groom's name, wife's name (and maiden name if different), date of marriage, city, county, and certificate number. The index is on 152 microfiches.


Index to Marriage Records by Name of Bride [2001-2004] [microfiche]

NW MICRO 929.3797 INDEX T MB 2005

Soundex name index to marriages occurring in Washington State from 2001-2004, arranged by name of bride. Shows groom's name, wife's name (and maiden name if different), date of marriage, city, county, and certificate number. The index is on 17 microfiches.


Index to Marriage Records by Name of Groom [1968-2000] [microfiche]

NW MICRO 929.3797 INDEX T MG 2004 

Soundex name index to marriages occurring in Washington State from 1968-2000, arranged by name of groom. Shows groom's name, wife's name (and maiden name if different), date of marriage, city, county, and certificate number. The index is on 118 microfiches.


Index to Marriage Records by Name of Groom [2001-2004] [microfiche]

NW MICRO 929.3797 INDEX T 2005 v. 1-13

Soundex name index to marriages occurring in Washington State from 2001-2004, arranged by name of groom. Shows groom's name, wife's name (and maiden name if different), date of marriage, city, county, and certificate number. The index is on 17 microfiches.


[Marriage Certificates, 1906-1955]; [Marriage Returns, 1895-1946; Registers of Birth, 1891-1907; Birth Returns, July 1891-Jan 1892] - Douglas County [microform]

GEN MICRO 979.731 BIRTH 1891-1892

Douglas County Auditor birth returns from July 1891-January 1892, register of births 1891-1907.