The Washington State Library (WSL) is offering collection development mini-grants of up to $500 to 10 Washington community and technical college (CTC) libraries to create or augment collections of books for adult English language learners. According to a 2019 report from the Community College Research Center at Columbia University, "A growing proportion of community college students across the nation are English learners, or students who consider a language other than English their dominant language and who need support to access standard curricula in English."
Books designed for English learners can help them increase their vocabulary and their fluency. Books for this mini-grant program could include graded readers, picture books, or graphic novels in print. Digital materials and videos are not allowable purchases in this program.
Applications will be scored on the extent of the ELL program at the college and how the grant will support English learners at their colleges and communities.
Supported by funding provided by the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.