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Financial Aid Outreach Pilot Grant

Financial Aid Outreach Grants

Financial Aid Outreach Pilot Grant
Libraries Partnering With
Community Based Organizations




Aim Higher Washington: Washington Student Achievement Council's coordinated effort to help more students in Washington apply for financial aid. 

12th Year Campaign: Washington Student Achievement Council's 12th Year Campaign boosts college and financial aid application rates in Washington by helping those working with high school seniors and their families complete applications for college admissions and financial aid. This page contains and information and resources designed to help schools and partners host a successful financial aid advising day. 

Washington Student Achievement Council FAFSA Data DashboardThe following dashboards are updated every Tuesday. They provide public-facing, aggregate district- and state-level comparison data for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Student Aid FAFSA Data: The following reports show the total number of FAFSAs submitted by application cycle. The FAFSA Data by Demographic Characteristics reports provide summary statistics about applicants who completed the FAFSA by application cycle while the FAFSA Data by Postsecondary School and FAFSA Data by State reports provide quarterly application submissions by school and the applicant’s state of legal residence.