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Library Council of Washington: Members and vacancies



Jennifer Ashby, Asotin County Library

Public Libraries (serving populations under 100,000) Representative

Second term ends December 31, 2025

Greg Bem, Spokane Community College Library

Academic Libraries (Community Colleges) Representative

First term ends December 31, 2027

Candise Branum, Gonzaga University

Academic Libraries (4-Year) Representative

First term ends December 31, 2026

Francisco Garcia-Ortiz, Yakima Valley Libraries (vice-chair)

Cultural Diversity Representative

Second term ends December 31, 2025

Noah Glaude, North Olympic Library System

Rural Libraries Representative

First term ends December 31, 2026

Loly Gomez, Upper Skagit Library

Technology in Libraries Representative

First term ends December 31, 2027

Diane Huckabay, Washington State Genealogical Society

Special Libraries Representative

First term ends December 31, 2026

Jodi Kruse, R.A. Long High School Library

School Libraries Representative

First term ends December 31, 2026

Jan Kuebel-Hernández, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences Library

Special Libraries Representative

First term ends December 31, 2027

Poppy Louthan, King County Libraries (chair)

Youth Services Representative

First term ends December 31, 2026

Barbara Walters, North Central Regional Libraries

Public Libraries (serving populations over 100,000) Representative

Second term ends December 31, 2025


Technology in Libraries

Underserved Populations


Sara Jones, Washington State Librarian

Anind Dey, Dean of the University of Washington Information School

Designee from Washington Talking Book and Braille Library

Designee from Institutional Library Services

Interested in joining the LCW?

The Washington State Library accepts applications for vacant or soon-to-be-vacant positions for the Library Council of Washington. Library employees, volunteers, trustees, foundation board members, advocates, consultants, or educators are welcome to apply.

Membership criteria

  • Minimum of three years experience working in or with a library community in Washington
  • A demonstrated knowledge, experience, or expertise in:
    • the constituent library community you seek to represent
    • associated and relevant community activities that will aid the member while serving on the Council.
  • Ability to commit approximately seven working days per year for meetings, and additional time allotted for tasks related to Council work, such as reading, communicating, responding to, and representing Council issues and recommendations to constituent communities. Council members may also serve as liaisons to LSTA funded projects and serve on various project advisory committees. Council members may serve on subcommittees that are formed to work on issues and tasks.

The membership committee will attempt to ensure representation of specific demographic designations of Washington, such as geographic location, rural/urban populations, ethnic groups, or size of library.

To apply, email with the position you're interested in, your background or expertise, and the following statement: "I commit to active involvement with the Library Council of Washington, including reasonable attendance at meetings. My supervisor and library administration support my participation in the LCW."

Library Council Membership

Members are knowledgeable and active, with good communication skills among their peers. They willingly and regularly participate in all activities of the Council, possessing a holistic approach to solving problems and being accountable to the entire statewide library community. These members may include, but are not limited to library employees, volunteers, trustees, advocates, foundation board members, consultants, or educators.

Member Responsibilities

  1. To participate actively, contribute to, and evaluate the work of the Council.
  2. To advise the State Librarian and the Office of the Secretary of State on policies, procedures, and evaluation of the LSTA program, and on library development.
  3. To determine broad policies and guidelines for the administration of federal funds for libraries and recommend them to the State Librarian and the Office of the Secretary of State.
  4. To communicate with constituencies within the library community and to reflect the issues, concerns, and viewpoints of the constituencies members represent.
  5. To maintain awareness of current issues and concerns in appropriate areas of expertise and of library issues and trends, particularly as they affect the state of Washington.
  6. To be knowledgeable about the development of libraries and library services within the state of Washington.
  7. To advocate on behalf of Washington libraries and champion library initiatives.
  8. To assume other responsibilities that may, from time to time, be necessary for the effective operation of the Council.
  9. To respond to any requests made by the State Librarian and the Office of the Secretary of State consistent with its purpose.


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The activities of the Library Council of Washington are made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act.