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Professional Development Grants


Washington Secretary of State Washington State LibGroup Trainings 


Having a trainer lead a virtual or in-person training at your library is also an option for Professional Development grant funds. This can be a cost-effective way to provide opportunities for a group of library staff, trustees, and volunteers, and you can select trainers on topics that are relevant to you.

These are reimbursement grants, so the library must pay the trainer and then WSL will reimburse the library. It is the library's responsibility to follow federal cost principles

Group training applications will be rated on the training's impact and the cost per participant. The maximum of $6,000 per federal fiscal year (October 1-September 30) for a library system applies.


Before the program

The program coordinator should submit one application for the group. The WSL Grants team will review the application and if approved, will return an official award letter to the applicant and the contracting authority. The applicant library is responsible for arranging the training, including contracting with the trainer.

At the program

Attendees at an IMLS-funded staff training must fill out the four-question Instructional Program for Library Workforce survey. The program coordinator should tally the responses and submit to WSL as part of the report (see below). We encourage you to collect additional evaluation components from participants, especially testimonials or photos that can be included in the report.

After the program

Ask your finance department to save a copy of all grant payments. Fill out a claim form and have it signed by the program coordinator and the contracting authority. Send the claim form and the proof of payment to wslgrants [at] sos [dot] wa [dot] gov or mail to PO Box 42460, Olympia, WA 98504.

Compile the four-question survey responses from participants. Complete the Group Training Professional Development grant report.