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Youth Services Critical Conversations Club (YS3C)

Information about and collected resources from the Washington State Library's Youth Services Critical Conversations Club.

Youth Services Critical Conversations Club

                Washington Secretary of State Washington State Lib            Institute of Museum and Library Services

Supported by funding provided by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Library Services and Technology Act, through the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

Project VOICE

Thursday, April 14th: 10:00-11:00 a.m.: 

Project VOICE
Presenters: Katie Campana, Ph.D., J. Elizabeth Mills, Ph.D.


Public libraries offer outreach programs and services in a variety of community locations to meet families and children where they grow and thrive. However, the challenge of measuring the impact of these innovative programs and services can be met through the utilization of value-based outcomes. Project VOICE offers research-based findings on how community values can translate into meaningful outcomes that can yield advocacy material to support and sustain your outreach work. Today’s webinar offers an opportunity to learn from and share current strategies and challenges as you identify and assess value-centric outcomes to strengthen your programs. 

Prior to the webinar, we ask that you spend some time reflecting on your own experiences with developing and measuring outcomes. What successes and challenges have you encountered with them? What are some persistent questions as well as favorite tips and tricks for using outcomes in your own work? Be ready to dive into interactive discussions about outcomes when we gather together. 

The webinar will be recorded and we are planning to include the recording in the Project VOICE dataset. Because of that, we would like for you to complete a consent form, which can be found at the following link: