IT Specialist Exam | General Overview | Exams Available |
The Information Technology Specialist program is a way for individuals to validate foundational IT skills sought after by employers. The IT Specialist program is geared toward candidates who are considering or just beginning a path to a career in information technology. Candidates can certify their knowledge in a broad range of IT topics, including software development, database administration, networking and security, device management, and web development. The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE Learning Evaluations®) has evaluated and recommended college credit for the IT Specialist program. The recommended credit amount is three credits per IT Specialist exam passed. |
Networking- Candidates for this exam will demonstrate foundational networking knowledge and skills, including TCP/IP, networking services, networking topologies, and troubleshooting in wired and wireless environments. Network Security- Candidates for this exam will demonstrate foundational security knowledge and skills, including an understanding of core security principles operating system security, network and device security, and secure computing practices. JavaScript- Candidates for this exam will demonstrate that they can recognize, write, and debug JavaScript code that will logically solve a problem. Java- Candidates for this exam will demonstrate that they can recognize, write, and debug Java code that will logically solve a problem. Python- Candidates for this exam will demonstrate that they can recognize, write, and debug Python code that will logically solve a problem. HTML & CSS- Candidates for this exam will demonstrate that they can structure a webpage using HTML elements and create and apply styles using CSS. HTML5 Application Development- Candidates for this exam will demonstrate their ability to use HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to build responsive web applications that will run on a variety of touch-enabled devices, including PCs, tablets, and phones Device Configuration and Management- Candidates for this exam will demonstrate foundational skills in, and a basic knowledge of, Windows devices and mobility. |
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