You can find newspapers for your research in a number of ways.
Search our online catalog to find out which papers we have and for what years.
We also have an interactive map (below) on which you can search our online catalog for all of the newspapers we have in a county.
In our reading room we have a notebook that lists newspapers on microfilm by city the paper was published in.
A printed union list to newspapers on microfilm is available in many Washington libraries. The title is Washington State Union List of Newspapers on Microfilm. Edited by Gayle L. Palmer. (Olympia: Washington State Library, 1991). This list provides information about Washington newspapers, gives dates of microfilm available, and lists Washington libraries that hold copies of the microfilm.
The Library of Congress has an online Directory of U.S. Newspapers in American Libraries. This directory is a searchable index of the newspapers published in the United States since 1690. The directory includes the Washington newspapers. The directory includes information about the newspapers and lists the libraries that hold copies of the newspapers (usually in microfilm format). The Library of Congress has a Research Guide for the directory. It includes information about the directory, search tips, and information about the U.S. Newspaper Program.