As per RCW 42.30.020:
"… the transaction of the official business of a public agency by a governing body including but not limited to receipt of public testimony, deliberations, discussions, considerations, reviews, evaluations, and final actions."
Final action
"… a collective positive or negative decision, or an actual vote by a majority of the members of a governing body when sitting as a body or entity, upon a motion, proposal, resolution, order, or ordinance."
Governing body
"… the multimember board, commission, committee, council, or other policy or rule-making body of a public agency, or any committee thereof when the committee acts on behalf of the governing body, conducts hearings, or takes testimony or public comment." AG Opinion AGO 1986 No. 16 expands upon this definition.
"… meetings at which action is taken."
Public agency
AG Opinion AGO 1991 No. 5 provides further information on the definition of "public agency," including the following four-part analysis to determine if an organization or entity is the functional equivalent of a state agency: