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Resources for Trustees

Intercounty Rural Library District

RCW 27.12.010(2): "… a municipal corporation organized to provide library service for all areas outside of incorporated cities and towns within two or more counties:  PROVIDED, that any city or town meeting the population requirements of RCW 27.12.360 may be included therein as provided in RCW 27.12.360 through 27.12.390.

  • An existing rural county library district may be expanded into an intercounty rural library district; or
  • An established intercounty rural library district may be expanded to include additional counties by joint action of all counties included in the proposed expanded district.

See also RCW 27.12.110.

Any city or town with a population of 300,000 or less at the time of annexation may become a part of any intercounty rural library district lying contiguous to it by annexation as follows:

  • An ordinance for annexation is submitted to the library board of the city or town for review and recommendations. If no library board exists in the city or town, the state library shall be notified of the proposed ordinance;
  • The legislative authority of a city or town desiring annexation adopts the ordinance stating its intent to join the library district;
  • If the board of trustees of the library district agrees to the annexation, notification is transmitted to the legislative authority or authorities of the counties of the city or town to be annexed.

See also RCW 27.12.360.

Books, funds, and other property shall be divided among the participating counties as equitably as possible, determined by the state librarian, who gives consideration to such items as the original source of property, the amount of funds raised from each county by the district, and the ability of the counties to make further use of such property or equipment for library purposes. Printed material that will not be used by any of the participating counties for further library purposes shall be turned over to the state library.

See also RCW 27.12.320.

Library district may be dissolved after it has been in operation for 3 or more years provided that:

  • A petition by at least 10% of registered voters in service area to dissolve library district is filed with the board of trustees of the district at least 90 days before a general election that includes the proposition on the ballot;
  • A proposition is approved by a majority of registered voters living within the service area.

Note: Provisions are made for withdrawal from a library district as well as reannexation after an area has been withdrawn from the boundaries of a library district in RCW 27.12.355.

See also RCW 27.12.320.