Although RCW 27.12.210 states that one responsibility of library trustees is the “purchase of library materials and supplies,” trustees are not personally responsible for selecting or purchasing library materials to add to the library collection. However, the board of trustees is responsible for adopting a collection development policy that will:
The library’s mission should have already answered the following questions:
Perhaps S.R. (Shiyali Ramamrita) Ranganathan said it best in his classic work, The Five Laws of Library Science:
These laws are timeless and can be applied to all libraries and to all users. Some thoughts on the relevance of the laws to the digital world may be found in “Ranganathan Online,” which appeared in the April 1, 2005 issue of Library Journal. See also the Wikipedia article, “Five laws of library science.”
The benefits of a written collection development policy are many including:
Collection development policies also need to include a section relating to customer requests for the library to “reconsider” library materials. The procedure for handling these complaints should describe every step, from the initial response to the complainant through the highest appeal. The policy needs to emphasize that staff will provide the initial review and response to requests for reconsideration, and that if a challenge is sent directly to the board, the board will forward the item to staff for the initial response.
Many libraries adopt a “Request for Reconsideration” form that must be completed in order to provide the library with the information needed to thoughtfully consider a challenge. The form should include a description of the reconsideration process and make clear that the completed form must be submitted for the library to proceed with a reconsideration request.
Resources to help libraries to deal with challenged materials include:
The collection should be evaluated on a regular basis, with an eye to discarding outdated, rarely used, or dog-eared titles. The review process may uncover items of historical and/or monetary value that should be considered as candidates for preservation and/or digitization. Additional information may be found in Evaluating Library Collections from ALA’s Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights.
The disposal of surplus and obsolete library materials can be a sensitive and complex issue in a community, sometimes creating a public relations nightmare. To avoid misunderstandings, be sure to have guidelines in place for handling discarded library materials. The collection development policy should include the rationale and process for weeding, preservation, and/or replacement of materials as appropriate. RCW 39.33.070 provides for the disposal or obsolete or surplus reading materials by school districts and libraries. A board of trustees may wish to clarify the local approach to this issue and work with local government officials, especially the auditor, to reach an agreement on how the library will handle disposal of materials.
The library should have a policy on gifts/donated materials, including: