Definition: RCW 27.12.010 (7): "… a library serving all the area of a county not included within the area of incorporated cities and towns: PROVIDED, That any city or town meeting the population requirements of RCW 27.12.360 may be included therein as provided in RCW 27.12.360 through 27.12.390" (i.e., RCW 27.12.370 , RCW 27.12.380, and RCW 27.12.390)
To establish a rural county library district
See also RCW 27.12.040.
Any city or town with a population of 300,000 or less at the time of annexation may become a part of any rural county library district lying contiguous to it by annexation as follows:
See also RCW 27.12.360.
If an election were held to form a rural county library district, would the vote on the proposition be restricted to the unserved people in the county, or would it also include those already in a partial county rural library district?
The vote on the proposition would be restricted to the unserved people in the county. Residents in areas already served by a partial-county rural library district or other existing library system would generally not vote on the proposition. If a partial-county district is already in place, it would remain separate unless explicitly dissolved or annexed through a separate legal process. See RCW 27.12.470. Each district type (full-county or partial-county) has distinct formation and voting procedures outlined under state law.
Library district may be dissolved after it has been in operation for 3 or more years provided that:
Note: Provisions are made for withdrawal from a library district as well as reannexation after an area has been withdrawn from the boundaries of a library district in RCW 27.12.355.
See also RCW 27.12.320.
Books and other printed materials belonging to the library shall go to the state library. All other library property shall be disposed of as the legislative body of the governmental unit shall direct.
See also RCW 27.12.320.