Washington libraries are funded in a number of ways. They may levy a property tax, contract for services, or submit a budget to municipal authorities. Each requires that the board of trustees knows in detail the unique processes, schedules, and the relationships with local authorities that will affect their own library. Understanding of the ways in which libraries are funded and how those funds should be managed are critical to keeping the library’s doors open. This knowledge is essential for board members who are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that their community continues to have library services and programs.
It is the trustee’s responsibility to understand the details of their library’s funding, including where the money comes from and the district or municipal library budget process. Limitations on funding have been established by state law and the Washington State Constitution as well as various initiatives passed by a vote of the electorate.
Trustees must be advocates for adequate library funding within their communities, with city and county governmental authorities, and with state elected officials. Trustees must also consider investigating additional sources of revenue, especially for one-time projects.
Garnering support for the library is critically important. It is a task that requires the personal commitment of each board member to: